
4 Tips to develop your child’s creativity

Being creative is an important skill that enables us to become more flexible, come up with new ideas, adapt to change, and be better problem solvers. Our children need to develop creativity and form good ideas in order to learn, problem solve and thrive in life. Life is busy. And let’s face it, it only […]

Board games and games to play with your kids this holiday

So, it is December holidays and in South Africa the kids are off for several weeks. Whether you are going on vacation or staying at home, this is usually the time to play and have fun. Board games and card games are generally excellent for your child’s overall development as it teaches children and adults […]

How to make the most of the holidays

We all work very hard throughout the year – most of us only have 15 – 20 days annual leave. So December holiday is very special to most of us – it’s the festive time when families come together, people go on holiday, and for those who stay at home, at least work is not […]

Things your nanny can do to boost your child’s development

Many babies and toddlers from 4 months until 2 years stay at home with a nanny while their parents are off to work. Many parents want to know what their nannies should do to really boost their children’s development. This article is not only aimed at nannies, but also parents, grannies or others that spend […]

Coronavirus and Lockdown; a Psychoanalytic

How do we process life under the pandemic and avoid being drawn into the contagion of fear?  by Giovanni del Vecchio, 11 April 2020 A kind of war We suddenly find ourselves in an unplanned-for dystopia. How are we to find a firm footing in inner and outer worlds so disorienting? After the daily statistics […]

Being Outdoors

Outdoors is great for everyone. Fresh air, nature, sun on your skin – it can only make us feel more relaxed. Still, we tend to keep our children inside – it’s safer, we can see them while we tend to our home and house chores, and they can sit on the couch in front of […]